
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So What Wednesday

I am back and linking up w/ Shannon w/ my favorite So What Wednesdays

This week I am saying so what to...

  • I catch up on my shows at work during lunch...gotta love being able to watch my shows online
  • I eat lunch at 11 - most of my co-workers come in later (around 10) and stay late, but I am now an early bird rising at 6 and eating lunch at 11 and dinner at like 6 then in bed by 10.
  • If we have been going to bed around 10...Michael gets up at 5:30 and I get up at 6 am
  • If I drink a Diet Coke a day...I love the stuff
  • I listen to Broadway musicals on Pandora during work - its up beat
  • I am SUPER excited for our weekend trip to New York around Christmas time and already planning what to do. 
  • I am done hiding our fertility struggles. I am not shouting it from the roof tops or posting stuff on Facebook, but there are so many women going through this and I hope to help them.
  • I LOVE doing my classroom observations in a kindergarten classroom and never want to leave...maybe I can be a kindergarten teacher once I am done w/ school 
  • I get a ping of jealously when I see yet another person announce their pregnancy or new baby. I am only human

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand about trying to get pregnant and feeling a bit jealous of other friends that are getting pregnant.. My husband and I have been married for almost a year this coming week. I had the dreaded HSG better known for Hysterosalpingogram. Thankfully, it went smoothly. One of my friend's prayer for us is that my hussband and I would grow in our bond together through this and that in God's time we'll have a baby. I pray the same for you too. Thank you for sharing your journey!
