
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Orthodox Easter

I survived my first Orthodox Easter. I have mentioned before that Michael is Russian Orthodox. We belong to a Greek Orthodox church here in the Atlanta area. Services are a mix of English and Greek so they can be hard to follow. The Goof Friday service was about 4 hours, but beautiful. We did not make it to the Easter service and I am still kicking myself. The service started at midnight and since Michael had to be at work by 6 am and I did not want to be out till about 4 or 5 am by myself.

They had photographers take some photos from Good Friday and the Easter services. For your viewing pleasure:

This is the alter at our church - we will be married here

Our priests in front of the tomb

the church alter on Easter

Good Friday - everyone had a candle, and the parking lot was lined w/ bags w/ names of the deceased, I had one made for my dad it was nice to see

Good Friday - isnt that beautiful!

Good Friday

our tomb

I promise, I am alive!

I know I know....I have been really bad about blogging lately! Work and well life have been super crazy busy. Here are a few things going on in my life right now.

- Currently under yet ANOTHER tornado watch/warning. I don't think they are going to get real close to us, but they are def close. I grew up in Kansas so I am not really scared of tornadoes, but I do wish we had a house with a basement. The photo above is the current map, lots of red and more heading our way. My heart goes out to the families in Alabama who have lost loved ones.

- Easter. I survived my first Orthodox Easter. I really enjoyed it. I was not very good at going to the Wednesday night services, maybe next year. Michael and I did go to the Good Friday service. I will post a separate Easter post.

- Been playing lots of softball - doing decent

- work has been CRAZY busy, but in a good way. Busy is always good. We have a large event tomorrow and I get to be the go to person in charge for a big chunk, pretty excited. I really do love my job.

- I have to have surgery in a couple weeks and I am kinda nervous! I have never had surgery before. Its a minor procedure, but still have to be put out. Thats the part that scares me, what if it doesnt work and I am awake for the whole thing? UUH! Michael's answer was well it isnt a big surgery like heart surgey so it wouldnt hurt as bad...say what!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fabulous Friday!

  • I had a great week playing softball - my monday night team won, the TERRIBLE co-ed team I play with on Wednesdays lost, but only by 2 and the women's Thursday night team is STILL undefeated and I have been playing great
  • Easter is this weekend - my first Easter where I am actually aware and interested 
  • I saved $37 on groceries over the weekend cause of coupons
  • I had a very busy but productive week at work
  • Malibu's allergies are getting better
  • Michael and I put together our invitations - well Michael did most of it - I will take some photos
  • Our wedding is in 5 months!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I stumbled across THIS article on Yahoo. Its a where are they now about James Frey, Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair. In case you are not aware of who these two men are, James Frey wrote "A Million Little Pieces", Stephen Glass was a writer for the New Republic and Jayson Blair wrote for The New York Times. Blair and Glass were caught fabricating stories and were both fired.

Have you read "A Million Little Pieces"? If not I HIGHLY recommend it. (I also love to read/watch stuff on addiction, dont ask me why). But his book was labeled as a memoir, detailing his path to recovery. He took a slightly different one then AA. After being on Oprah, it came out that he embellished some details in the book and changed the characters some. People were OUTRAGED and wanted their money back. This bugs me! Its a GREAT book. Frey really did get clean and had a story to share. It turns out the parts that were embellished were how much trouble w/ the law he really was in (who cares!) and of course you are going to have to change some of the characters. I am sure most people would not be comfortable with their recovery out there like he was.

Why am I venting on here about this, well in the article they put Frey in the same category as Blair and Glass and I am soo pissed about that. Frey did not write for a major publication, he wrote his own story. Plus he did not create stories out of the blue, its a true story.

If you have not read the book, again I highly recommend it!

Charlie Sheen speaks with The Bert Show

I am a hard core Bert Show fan. If you are from Atlanta you should be familiar with The Bert Show and if your not, well then you are missing out! Anyway, they tend to land some big name celebrity interviews. The latest is Charlie Sheen. You may love him or hate him, but I wanted to listen. And now you can too!

30 Day Photo Challege: Day 11

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

I hate being sick and/or battling headaches! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Celebs Side Jobs

Thought most celebrities just sat around enjoying the good life? Some actually work when they are not acting...who knew! Check out this article for the full list.

Josh Brolin - did day trading long before being asked to star in Wallstreet 2

James Franco - Sure, hes a GREAT actor but seeing that he has NO personality I was not surprised to hear he was an intellectual type. He put out a book of short stories, attends Yale, and will possibly be teaching there. Lets hope he has learned his lesson about hosting anything! 

Mickey Rourke - now this I did not know! He was a boxer for the majority of his life. That does explain a lot!

Geena Davis - almost competed in the 2000 Olympics in archery. She picked up the sport two years before and came in 24th out of 300.

So What Wednesday...

This week I am saying So What to...
  • I am thinking of looking into working at home some during the week, gas prices are INSANE!
  • If I ate Panda Express two days in a row...I had a coupon!
  • I saved $37 at the grocery store over the weekend - yeeah for coupons!
  • I talk to Michael in some form almost all day
  • I text a LOT - thank god for unlimited texts
  • I am living with my fiance before we get married, I see nothing wrong w/ it
  • I already have our first son named and I am no where close to being pregnant
  • I cannot stand one of the co-ed teams I play on and I am about to snap at someone (they are REALLLLY BAD!)
  • I am sick of playing on a horrible losing team - I like to win!
  • I am looking forward to moving to PA one day (not anytime soon) - I cannot wait to start house hunting!
  • I am having 3 bridal showers in 3 states

30 Day Photo Challege: Day 9 and 10

I am mixing Day 9 and 10 because it is the same person!

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

And that would be my hubby to be, my partner in crime!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 8

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh. Its too hard to pick one, so I picked a handful!

This is our baby girl Bailey. There is nothing go on up there :)

Us goofing off

I LOVE Kylee's face in this photo, its like WHOA!

Zip lining/cave exploring in Belize. 

cutest god daughter ever!

I am lucky enough to be god mother to this beauty! Her name is Kylee and she is 7 months old and ADORABLE! I just wish I lived closer so we could watch her grow! Here are some pics her mom emailed me this morning! 

1. What's something you've eaten & liked, but didn't think you would?
umm....I really don't know, I am pretty adventurous.

2. Plastic surgery? Yay or nay?
Yay! After I am done having children and I going to get a bunch of nips and tucks.

3. Two things you love about spring are?
the warmer weather w/ no humidity! and softball

4. When's the last time you went on a picnic?
wow...prob when I was a little kid.

5. What's your favorite app?
my phone doesn't have no favorites

6. Who does the grocery shopping in your house?
me! Michael went w/ me this weekend and it took twice as long

7. Would you rather take a spin class or zumba?
Prob Zumba (I need to start doing both!)

8. How often do you go out to dinner?
usually about once a week or so, really depends on the schedules. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Round 2 of engagement photos - part 1

A friend from high school is starting her own photography business and we volunteered to be subjects! You can check out her photography on Facebook HERE. We took photos at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and we had a blast! We also learned two lessons. One, Michael should not wear yellow for photos. Two, if your meter runs on in a private parking lot they do not write you a ticket, they boot you! $75 down the drain! We had fun anyway! There are more photos to come, here are some!

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

30 Day Photo Challege: Day 6

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I know you must be thinking...What? I admire Tom Hanks for his career. He has had a very long respectable career and who can't admire that. He has been married for like ever and stays out of the tabloids and gossip. I want to see what its like to be a HUGE respected movie star. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

30 Day Photo Challege: Day 5

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

Some of my favorite memories go along with my dad. I have mentioned before, he passed away when I was 14 and I was a big daddies girl growing up. My dad and I had a couple special traditions. In this photo we were getting ready to go to The Nutcracker. We would dress up, he would get me a corsage and we would go see The Nutcracker when I was little.  Funny part is I later found out in life that my dad and I always left during intermission. Another tradition we had was running saturday errands together. We would always get lunch and it was a fun and special time for us to just hang out. 

I am very lucky to have a WONDERFUL stepdad that makes my mom very happy and I am thrilled he will be walking me down the aisle on my wedding day. But man do I miss my dad!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

30 Day Photo Challege: Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your night

It usually resembles something like this - 

Or this

HAHA hes gonna kill me....

Friday, April 15, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Since my favorite show was just ended I am posting two!