11 years ago (Feb 13, 2001) my dad passed away. I was 14 and in the 8th grade. I remember that day and the days following like it was yesterday. A boy I had a crush on (Brad) asked me out that morning and I was super excited! Around mid morning the office called me and my younger brother into the office and said our mom was picking us up. We waiting for what seemed like HOURS and our neighbor picked us up. I knew something was wrong, but thought it was our grandma. When we got home my mom told us our dad had passed away early that morning. I remember my knees buckling and I just collapsed on the kitchen floor. I dont remember crying then...I remember feeling numb and shocked. I went into the living room to watch TV and on of my favorite movies was on (My Girl). My mom suggested it wasnt the best movie to watch, but for some reason it was comforting to me. My youngest brother was still in elementary school, my mom waited until he got home from school to tell him. The days following were a blur of running around getting things ready to go to Chicago for the funeral. That first night we all slept in the living room. I would also lock myself in the bathroom and SCREAM at God and question why. My dad was my best friend, why him. I still don't know but its not our place to know. He has a plan for all of us.
My dad passed away on a business trip in Texas. Which is oddly comforting that it was not in our house. It was completly natural, in his sleep. He had heart problems his whole life, born with a messed up valve. Had it replaced when I was 4 with a pig valve (I loved laying on his chest and listening to it). When I was 13 (Nov 2000) he had to have it replaced (you have to every 10 years). While in surgery they found an aneurism and did a triple by pass. His heart just couldnt take it anymore and he passed away in his sleep.
It still sucks so much to think about. Especially since my brothers were never that close with him and dont remember much because they were so young. It still stings, but its ok. God has a plan for all of us.
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