I am jumping back on here because a few friends have said I NEED to keep a journal about my pregnancy because it will be great to look back on. So I am gonna stick with it! Plus I LOVE reading other bloggers pregnancy updates.
If you have read some past posts of mine you would know my husband and I have struggled to conceive and its been a VERY tough road. Long story short shortly after getting married we started ttc, found out I have PCOS, and we began our med journey to parenthood. In August 2011 I had a miscarriage but we keep trekking along.
Here is what FINALLY worked for us:
- I have been on metformin since May 2011
- I dropped kicked Clomid out the window (I was so over it not working) I asked doc for a new med thinking maybe we could try injectables, but she suggested Femara (similar to Clomid) so I figured what the hell lets give it a shot.
- Took 5 mg cd 3-7
- On cd 15 went in for an ultrasound and had 2 large follicles (I pretty much did a little happy dance then and there bc on Clomid I was lucky to get one follicle by cd 20).
- The next day Michael and I took a trip to NYC for an early Christmas visit (mid dec). Since I wasn't picking up an LH surge on ovulation tests doc said to get the HCG shot and since I was out of town to give it to myself. I had the RX but didn't know where to get it filled. Thanks to smartphones I was able to find a fertility specialist near the hotel, call the after hours line (it was Sun) and the nurse called me back. Recommended a pharmacy for me that was a short subway ride away. We finally got it filled and on Mon morning Michael enjoyed giving me the HCG shot (didnt hurt at all just bruised some).
- Now the sex and waiting begins/continues.
- It ended up that testing time fell right on New Years - we took this as a great sign. I normally test early (I have no patience) but I promised Michael I would wait until New Years Day - he wanted to start the year off right. Boy was he right. New Years Day came - I tested (multiple times) and got several very good positives!
The next day I went to see my RE and do the blood test and my HCG levels were GREAT at 130 something (at this time in my last pregnancy I was only in the 20s). My doc called personally to tell me. We were THRILLED but very scared. We kept it a secret for now. A couple days later we took a trip to PA to visit Michaels family for Orthodox Christmas.We decided to tell his family at the end of the trip (after a few more blood tests). So while up there we had to go to a local Quest to get blood drawn again to confirm the numbers were doubling (and booya they did!). So we decided on Christmas night while opening presents to tell his family, but swore them to secrecy!
After we got back in town had some more blood work and everything was looking good we decided to tell my parents. We all went out to dinner for my birthday and we told my parents then. They were THRILLED!!
I started getting ultrasounds at 6 weeks and the doc got a heartbeat right away. Michael and I were thrilled! We had another ultrasound w/ the specialist at 7 weeks - still looking good so I "graduated" from ACRM and was able to move to a regular doc.
At 8 weeks we went and saw a new doc, had another ultrasound and everything looked good.
Since then I have just been battling some morning sickness, headaches, and trying to get use to the whole thing. On Valentines Day (10 weeks) we decided to announce to the world. We had told some close friends and family here and there between 8 and 10 weeks.
Now that its out in the open it actually feels kinda real. Still totally weird and I cant believe it.
I am already starting to show, mostly in maternity pants and long shirts (because I sit all day - I cant sit in button pants for long). Morning sickness is pretty much gone and we go for another ultrasound/down syndrome check on Wed.
Whew! So here we are - almost 12 weeks and just hanging in there trying to be patient!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
So What if...
I decided linking up w/ Shannon was a good way to spill the beans on why I have been MIA from blogging!
I promise to now keep up with my blog and share on all baby details. A bunch of friends told me to keep a diary of the pregnancy so I couldnt think of a better way then this!
I will post a detailed recount of the last 3 months shortly.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
All About Me #1
Jessica from From Marriage to Motherhood proposed a great idea to do an About Me series w/ 30 questions/prompts. I decided to jump in!
List 20 random facts about yourself.
List 20 random facts about yourself.
- I am usually sitting with my legs crossed in a chair. I HATE sitting with my legs on the floor. My legs are short and it hurts my knees.
- I bring lots of food to work and rarely eat it.
- I cannot stand the sound of chewing! Not my chewing, but if people around me are chewing.
- I am a hypochondriac.
- I wish my body was see through.
- When falling asleep I have to have the TV on a certain channel (Nick at Nite) on certain TV shows (Everybody Loves Raymond, Roseanne, King of Queens) or sports. If it is on something I havn't seen or a movie I will stay up and watch it. The volume also has to be loud enough so I hear something, but cant make out the words. Drives my husband NUTS!
- I am a VERY light sleeper. If I fall asleep before my husband he cannot change the channel because if he does before I am in REM sleep then I wake up. I wake up to roll over. I wake up a lot.
- My dad died when I was 14 so I panic if I call my mom or husband and they dont pick up.
- I prefer sitting on my couch, snuggled with my husband and dogs then going out.
- I HATE doing laundry. Well more like I hate folding or putting away laundry.
- I wear the same two pieces of jewerly everyday - my wedding ring and my celtic cross necklace Michael got me from Savannah
- I keep going back and forth between would I want to be a teacher or nurse when "I grow up"
- i critique parents and how they raise their children.
- I am not a fan of breakfast foods.
- I HATE eggs.
- I hate blow drying and straightening my hair bc it takes so long but I hate my hair wavy (its so big!).
- I cannot seem to keep my closet or car clutter free to save my life. But my husband's closet and car are always clean. I dont get it.
- I wish I could work part-time.
- I have no ambition to climb the corporate ladder or create new things.
- I want one thing in the world that I cant seem to get - motherhood.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Time for margaritas
I know I have been MIA its because I have been doing another cycle and didn't wanna post details in case it went well because we are not going to tell anyone until we are 100% know we are in the clear. Well...me posting means no good news. Our FIFTH round has ended in NO pregnancy! I had every damn symptom in the book and I was convinced it was finally our time. Timing on everything would of been perfect...but no...why the hell would we get what we want. We had to wait TWO DAMN MONTHS before trying again and it was a super long cycle bc my body wouldnt respond to the medicines and no nothing... its just not fair. I just cant understand why us. Whats even more frustrating is it seems I am surrounded by pregnancy and babies.
Nurse said we would try clomid one last time, but I dont want to. I want to move onto to stronger meds bc I do not respond great to Clomid. I am just SUPER frustrated and feel like this will never happen for us.
Nurse said we would try clomid one last time, but I dont want to. I want to move onto to stronger meds bc I do not respond great to Clomid. I am just SUPER frustrated and feel like this will never happen for us.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Fab Friday

I am linking up w/ Laura for Fab Fridays!
- First of all its Friday...whew!
- I have NO plans for the weekend. Ok well 2 - gotta do some homework and going to a friends get together. But thats it!
- I am starting to look like I have lost weight. Wish the scale showed it...
- I think we are making progress on the infertility process :) Only time will tell
- Michael and I have a credit card and car pay off plan...now if shit would stop breaking in our house we were be ok
- My family in NYC only had minor hiccups w/ the storm (lost some power) and Michaels family in Pa were hit at all
- Dogs went in for check ups and are both good - going for deep teeth cleaning next week...kinda nervous!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
So What Wednesday!

I am linking up w/ Shannon and saying So What to...
- I am thinking of switching docs, but I dont wanna start this stupid process all over again.
- I have no more patience w/ doctors and ttc
- I had a meltdown yesterday about how tough ttc is
- ttc consumes my mind!
- I listen to Dave Ramsey every afternoon but do not believe in his principles 100%
- I like to look at my wedding photos
- When TTC stresses me out I turn to BabyCenter.com
- I LOVE reading the blogs I follow
- I am really over the whole going to class thing...can we fast forward 2 years
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
So What Wednesday!

I am linking up w/ Shannon for SWW!
So what if...
- Watching the presidential debate only made me annoyed about the candidates and made me not want to vote for either.
- I am excited to actually start my period next week
- my dogs are spoiled and sleep in the same bed as us
- I wish I could fast forward two weeks
- I would be SUPER bummed if the Braves traded Uggla - i love Uggla!
- I really dont like going to class, but can't wait to be a teacher
- I have a little click in my co hort program and we work well together and dont wanna work with about half of the others
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