
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time for margaritas

I know I have been MIA its because I have been doing another cycle and didn't wanna post details in case it went well because we are not going to tell anyone until we are 100% know we are in the clear. posting means no good news. Our FIFTH round has ended in NO pregnancy! I had every damn symptom in the book and I was convinced it was finally our time. Timing on everything would of been perfect...but no...why the hell would we get what we want. We had to wait TWO DAMN MONTHS before trying again and it was a super long cycle bc my body wouldnt respond to the medicines and no nothing... its just not fair. I just cant understand why us. Whats even more frustrating is it seems I am surrounded by pregnancy and babies.

Nurse said we would try clomid one last time, but I dont want to. I want to move onto to stronger meds bc I do not respond great to Clomid. I am just SUPER frustrated and feel like this will never happen for us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your frustration. I have yet to try Clomid or any other drug. We've tried on our own for a year and then found out why we may not be getting pregnant. It's me and not him and that stinks! I'm going to make an appointment with a fertility specialist and see what happens.

    Keep the faith!
