Michael and I just finished watching this season of 16 and Pregnant Dr. Drew finale. I love this show. I know it gets mixed reviews and there are lots of opinions out there about the show, but I like it. I think and hope it shows a realistic portrayal of what being a teen mom is like.
I also like to watch Teen Mom in hopes that showing that be a parent is not easy will hopefully think before having sex.
I consider myself a realist. Teens are going to have sex, and it seems every year to become more and more common. Teens see it on TV and in movies. I did an extensive project on this topic in college because I feel pretty passionate about it. It angers me when schools think that absentince only sex ed works. Its just sticking your head in the sand. If you do not give teens the facts and options that are available to them they wont use em. I consider myself luck enough to have gone to a middle and high school that was out spoken and truthful. Sex education for me began in elementary school. I wouldnt say it was 100% about sex, mostly about puberty and they would separate the girls and boys. In middle school they would separate us again and talk about puberty as well as sex and self esteem issues. I never felt uneducated. In high school we had to take a semester of health and of course sex was covered, but we were spoken to as adults. My health teacher at the time gave us an almost play by play of her two pregnancies and deliveries. Some classes even watched a video of a baby being born. I did not know many people who had kids in high school, we all knew better and this was a school here in Georgia.
When I have children I plan on being very open and honest with them, especially my daughters. My mom was, I never felt uneducated. I think more parents and schools need to step up and be honest with their teens. Sex happens, and even between teenagers. Parents need to pull their head out of the sand and become more realistic.
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