
Friday, March 11, 2011

My Week

Happy Friday all!

This week has been pretty up and down, started really scary, but calmed down some. Let me start from the beginning, back in Jan. I went to the yearly doc visit in Jan where she found a lump (man i HATE that word) on my right breast. My doc didnt freak, she thought it was a cyst (no biggie!). I finally got around to getting the ultrasound on Monday (we were switching insurances at work, so i waited). The radiologist confirmed that it was actually not a cyst, but solid and most likely a fibroadenoma. If you don't know what that is, it is a noncancerous mass that occurs for no rhyme or reason. Mostly women under the age of 30 and pregnant women get these. (FYI I am not preggers). Anyway my brain went CRAZY I was pretty much freaking out. Did some research online and it calmed me down some.

Tuesday I went to my ob/gyn to chat with her and she confirm the same thing the radiologist said and put me at ease even more. She referred me to a breast surgeon to get it removed. Well I spoke with Michael and we both agreed I find a doc that my insurance covered more (soo many options w/ my insurance and the doc my reg doc referred me too would only be covered 60% where some other docs would be covered 90%).

Wednesday I called my insurance company and found out I had to see one of their primary care docs first (uuuh!) then get the referral. Well Friday I went to see that doc and he was like uuh yeah I agree with your doc (DUH!) and heres your referral. Made my appointment to see the breast surgeon for the first available appointment - April 25th! Oh time to wait.

That was my up and down week....and for some reason telling my family about it was one of the hardest parts. So far only Michael, my parents, my best friend and my boss (bc of having to take time off, plus they are pretty awesome bosses) and now its out there. I am trying to get over being embarrassed about this. No idea why I am embarrassed, its not a big deal. I dont have cancer (thank god!) and its really not a big deal.

But prayers my way could never hurt!

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