Lets recap my 2010 year - or try my best.
January -
My new years was pretty boring, I was the new person at Chili's so I had to work New Years. Came home and watched TV with Michael and worked the next day as well. Like I said boring. We always spend Jan. 7th in Pennslyvania with Michael's family. They are Russian Christian Orthodox and their church goes by the Orthodox calender, so Christmas is Jan. 7th (also my birthday). We do enjoy going up to visit, always get pretty snow and we get to see Michaels family and friends. And true to tradition, I always get sick during our trips to Pa. No idea why, but I do. This trip I had a terrible cold the whole time and was miserable and I got pink eye from the airport. Nasty!
February -
I started a new internship in February. It was a full time internship with a local hospital in the marketing and PR field. It was pretty boring, but I made good contacts. We also got real snow in Georgia around Valentines day. And again, I was sick around Valentines day. All winter I get this stupid cold at least once a month. February 13th also marked the 9th year anniversary since my dad passed.
March -
Michael and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. We also spent spring break in Florida with Mike and Jess. Mike and Jess are our best friends. They have been married for a couple years and recently had a baby girl, our goddaughter Kylee. Our trip to Florida was chilly but relaxing and fun. Michael's little sister also came down to visit for a couple days for her spring break and then she babysat Malibu and Bailey while we were in Fl.
April -
Nothing really exciting happened that I can remember. Michael and I just worked and went to school. I was job hunting like crazy around this time, getting ready for graduation.
May -
Now this was a busy month. I graduated from college! I also started a new job in Mississippi. It was just for the summer before the company moved out to Georgia. I packed up my stuff and moved to Mississippi temporarily. It was THE hardest thing I had to do. I cried the whole drive out there. I missed my bed, my pups, Michael, my area. It made me stronger and our relationship stronger. I knew Michael would support me no matter what. It wasnt easy, but he was there for me.
June -
Michael turned 29! His countdown to 30 began. To celebrate his birthday I took him to a local Brazilian steakhouse for dinner. He loved it, he loved meat! It is one of those restaurants that continues to bring you different types of meat. I was still living out in Mississippi during June. I was driving home every Friday night. It was a 5 hour drive. It was long, but I did enjoy the drive. It was a hoooot summer. Miserable heat!
July -
I was still in Mississippi, driving back and forth every weekend. It was still hot and miserable. I celebrated my moms birthday on July 4th and my little brothers birthday on July 23rd. At the end of the month, I moved back home to Georgia. The company I was working for was moving to Georgia at the end of the month. Michael also graduated from college! I was so proud of him. After the ceremony, while taking pictures Michael PROPOSED! I was super shocked, surprised and thrilled. My mom, stepdad, brother, his mom, dad and sister were all there. It was perfect and wonderful.
August -
August began bitter sweet. This month is where God showed again he always has a plan. The beginning of the month began with me being let go from the job I just spent the whole summer working at. It was crushing, but my family and fiance rallied around me, I reached out to my contacts and got hired right away at a wonderful company I had done an internship with. I landed a great job, started as part time, but with an option of full time in a month. Michael and I dove into wedding planning.
September -
My goddaughter was born. Michael and I wanted to be there, but with Mike and Jess living in Pa, it wasnt much of an option. I was brought on as a full time employee this month as well. Michael and I began counseling with our priest this month as well.
October -
I began the intro to Orthodoxy classes at our church. I have to be baptized. Michael and I pretty much finalized all the wedding plans.
November -
Michael and I traveled to Pa with Malibu and Bailey. Bailey it turns out is an awful traveler. We went to Pa to visit his family and for Kylee's baptism. And again in true fashion I got sick the day before we left.
December -
More of work and wedding planning for Michael and I. We had a quiet Christmas. My mom and stepdad went to NYC to visit his family. My little brother came over for Christmas eve, we all went to church, ate dinner and opened presents. It was nice and quiet. The next day Michael had to work till noon. We told my little brother to stay home because it was snowing! Georgia actually got lots of snow on Christmas day, first time in over 100 years. It was beautiful. Michael and I just hung out at the house and watched "Friday Night Lights" - he got me hooked on that show.
That was my year! It was a mix of boring, but also VERY exciting!
How was your 2010? What are you looking forward to in 2011? I am looking forward to my wedding, watching my goddaughter grow up, and enjoying my life.